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April 16th 2022
CEO Phillip ‘Sunny’ Drury was recently invited to the Rotary Club of Hobart’s Members’ luncheon as a Keynote Speaker to present BCT’s vision, program and sponsorship opportunities.
Everyone enjoyed learning the national and international history of the game, and objectives for the Tasmanian playing group and statewide program as it grows in popularity and success.
People also had the opportunity to experience the simulation glasses and audio ‘bell’ ball (old and new) that make the game possible for the blind and visually impaired, but also accessible for sighted players to join in social games.
A big thanks to Rotary Hobart for donating $2000 to install storage lockers at our 3 regional Cricket Club’s training facilities. The lockers will keep our Kookaburra Cricket gear and training equipment secure while presenting our branding and presence to all those interacting within the Clubs.
[Main Photo Above: IIT CEO Phillip ‘Sunny’ Drury presents the Blind Cricket Tasmania initiative and vision to Rotary of Hobart Member luncheon in April 2022.]
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