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Cricket is one of Australia’s favourite sports. Blind cricket enables players who are blind or have low vision to get involved in a cricket program specifically designed for them.
All other Australian states already have a thriving blind cricket community. We want to develop the sport in Tasmania to give more people a chance to play.
Whether you want to play competitively, or just for fun, there is an option for you. We offer both participation and representative pathways to all players.
These sessions are an opportunity for all people who are blind or have low vision, as well as their support workers, family and friends, to learn what blind cricket is all about. Come along, meet new people, learn new skills and have some fun!
Contact us for a seat on the BCT bus to some events, or simply ask questions about what the day involves.
The next game day is
August 17th 2024
We continue to build a meaningful relationship with Cricket Tas (CT). This year we’ve secured an updated MoU with additional advantages including training access to the indoor nets at Blundstone Arena. We have also achieved ‘Community Club’ status which now offers BCT equal opportunity in terms of receiving some administration funds and access to their […]
May 26th 2024
After years of development, Inclusive Innovations Tas is excited to share that in partnership with Blind Sports Australia (BSA) and Blind Cricket Australia (BCA), we’ve delivered the most extensive ‘Beginners Guide’ to Blind Cricket Coaching ever produced in the country. BSA led the development team, including Blind Cricket Tas, in producing a detailed document that […]
May 25th 2023
Listen to a recent interview with Blind Cricket Tasmania (BCT) – conducted by Tony Freeman on behalf of Print Radio Tasmania (PRT). Listen in to this exciting conversation with these remarkable individuals; Phillip ‘Sunny’ Drury (CEO of Inclusive Innovations Tasmania), David Hughes (Tigers State Team Captain), and Dylan Gangell (Tigers representative Player) – and what they are […]
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